Weight Management: Why should you bother?
September 27, 2019 2022-11-04 18:40Weight Management: Why should you bother?

Weight Management: Why should you bother?
1. Engage yourself in gentle exercise
You probably know at least one person who is currently on a diet, and chances are he or she is doing it in order to look good and feel good. Weight loss is very popular among people of different ages and cultures, but what should be the guiding principle of weight management is being the right body weight. More than losing weight to look like a model, having a healthy weight is a concern that needs to be addressed by a lot of people – and with good reason.
The Risk for Diseases
With right weight management comes a lower risk for developing weight-related diseases. This is primarily measured through your body mass index, or your BMI. To put it simply, BMI is an accurate estimate of total body fat. Your body fat will already be a good way to tell if you are already at risk for certain diseases. Thus, it is important to check your BMI to be able to stay within your right body weight. However, there are some conditions for special groups of people. For example, the general BMI computational formula (easily checked on the internet) can overestimate the body fat of athletes as well as people whose builds are more muscular. It can also underestimate the body fat of older people and those who have lost a considerable amount of muscle.
There are some types of fat that are much worse than others, and it is in these types of fat that attention must be placed when having a healthy weight is something that you hope to attain. For example, you have visceral fat – which is fat that is found further under your skin, beneath the subcutaneous belly fat. This deep fat is gel-like and wraps itself around your major organs like your kidneys, liver and pancreas. This is dangerous because of its strong links to coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, depression, arthritis, obesity, sleep disorders, and more. It is toxic and has the ability of interfering with your body’s normal hormone functions. You will know if someone has large stores of visceral fat when he has a large waist as well as a protruding belly – two signs that visceral fats are at a large excess and that the owner of that belly is in dire need of achieving the right body weight!
Having a healthy weight also means being aware of your waist circumference measurement. This measurement is a food indicator of your risk for diabetes as well as heart disease.
Altogether, these factors will help a doctor determine whether you are in the right body weight and what you should do if not. For example, if you are overweight but your waist circumference is fine, then your goal to having a healthy weight is to not gain any more of it. If you are overweight and go beyond the high waist circumference measurement, then it is very important that you lose weight to stay in the right body weight scale. Even a small loss in weight (like around 5 percent of your current weight) will already be significant in lowering your risk for a variety of diseases.
Weight Management and Mobility
Obviously, carrying around all that excess weight will impair your mobility. It will be hard for you to move around when you are feeling sluggish and have extra weight that bears down on your legs, knees, and feet. Your spine is also compromised because it is difficult to hold up your body, so the tendency is to slump your shoulders. And because you are beyond the right body weight, there is a higher tendency for you to find shortcuts to movement because it is just so tiring. For example, because you tire easily you will end up parking closer to the store so walking will not be too much of a chore. Your home might be a little less cleaner than usual because it is hard to bend down and access hard to reach areas. Basically, when poor weight management affects your mobility it affects other aspects of your life – and ultimately, everything goes back to you in the form of poor health and a higher risk for diseases.
As you will know by now, weight management and having a healthy weight is very important for your own personal well being. While the benefits of the right body weight will primarily be centered around your physical health, there is no doubt by now that neglecting proper weight management also has a profound impact on the other aspects of your life – such as your relationships, ability to do things, feelings about yourself and others, etc. Sure, you will always want to lower your risk for developing diseases – but if it will improve your overall quality of life as well then why not, right? Addressing the issue of weight management does not only bring about the benefit of having the right body weight, but the restoration of your self confidence and improve relations with others and your surroundings as well!
The Importance of Having a Healthy Weight
Having the right body weight is very important because going over it will bring a host of health problems that can be life-threatening when left unaddressed. For example, if you are obese then you have a high chance of developing diabetes. Lack of weight management that leads to being overweight can also mean a higher likelihood of suffering from heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and even certain types of cancers. On the flip side, proper weight management that results in you having a healthy weight will mean lowering your personal risk for developing problems such as the ones mentioned, as well as feeling very good about yourself complete with more energy and excitement to enjoy life all the more.